National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA)
Financial Information
All Financial Values: R'000 | 2022/23 | 2021/22 | 2020/21 | 2019/20 | 2018/19 |
AUDIT OUTCOME | Clean Audit | Clean Audit | Clean Audit | Clean Audit | Clean Audit |
Current Assets | 130 949 | 191 097 | 195 722 | 204 145 | 203 362 |
Non-Current Assets | 549 114 | 536 010 | 489 535 | 478 967 | 445 921 |
Total Assets | 680 063 | 727 107 | 685 257 | 683 112 | 649 283 |
Current Liabilities | 17 833 | 34 358 | 27 922 | 33 247 | 43 465 |
Non-Current Liabilities | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Liabilities | 17 833 | 34 358 | 27 922 | 33 247 | 43 465 |
Total Net Assets | 662 230 | 692 750 | 657 334 | 649 865 | 605 818 |
Total Revenue | 227 363 | 288 957 | 247 022 | 284 197 | 267 515 |
Revenue from Exchange Transactions | 31 325 | 27 241 | 23 691 | 38 868 | 34 731 |
Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions | 31 325 | 261 716 | 223 331 | 245 328 | 232 784 |
Total Expenditure | (256 748) | (253 542) | (239 552) | (239 309) | (245 276) |
Employee Related costs | (127 404) | (132 873) | (133 123) | (121 431) | (123 551) |
Surplus/(Deficit) for Year | (29 385) | 35 415 | 7 470 | 44 047 | 20 237 |
CASH FLOW | Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities | 13 544 | 77 677 | 33 929 | 53 376 | 74 188 | Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities | (57 976) | (87 914) | (51 548) | (71 347) | (83 599) | Cash & Cash Equivalents at End of Year | 89 078 | 134 644 | 144 880 | 162 500 | 180 471 |
Unauthorised Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - |
Irregular Expenditure | - | - | 432 | - | - |
Fruitless & Wasteful Expenditure | - | - | - | 13 | - |
Posts Approved | 229 | 229 | 216 | 213 | 208 |
Posts Filled | 154 | 159 | 155 | 159 | 151 |
SOURCE | Annual Report | Annual Report | Annual Report | Annual Report | Annual Report |
Note | Not audited by AGSA. Independent Audit Report. | Not audited by AGSA. Independent Audit Report. | Not audited by AGSA. Independent Audit Report. | Not audited by AGSA. Independent Audit Report. | Not audited by AGSA. Independent Audit Report. |
The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.