Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&RSETA)
Financial Information
All Financial Values: R'000 | 2022/23 | 2021/22 | 2020/21 | 2019/20 | 2018/19 |
AUDIT OUTCOME | Financially Unqualified | Qualified | Financially Unqualified | Financially Unqualified | Qualified |
Current Assets | 2 781 657 | 2 836 518 | 2 792 174 | 2 949 509 | 2 794 789 |
Non-Current Assets | 16 456 | 16 392 | 24 240 | 18 253 | 5 784 |
Total Assets | 2 798 113 | 2 852 910 | 2 816 414 | 2 967 762 | 2 800 573 |
Current Liabilities | 294 630 | 309 211 | 407 136 | 363 820 | 326 338 |
Non-Current Liabilities | 1 634 | - | - | - | - |
Total Liabilities | 296 264 | 309 211 | 407 136 | 363 820 | 326 338 |
Total Net Assets | 2 501 849 | 2 543 699 | 2 409 278 | 2 603 936 | 2 474 235 |
Total Revenue | 1 588 038 | 1 421 968 | 931 668 | 1 399 000 | 1 307 494 |
Revenue from Exchange Transactions | 168 549 | 98 396 | 97 443 | 187 574 | 157 610 |
Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions | 1 419 489 | 1 323 572 | 834 225 | 1 211 426 | 1 149 884 |
Total Expenditure | (1 629 888) | (1 283 489) | (1 126 328) | (1 269 297) | (913 510) |
Employee Related costs | (164 055) | (164 411) | (140 194) | (127 490) | (127 716) |
Surplus/(Deficit) for Year | (41 850) | 138 479 | (194 660) | 129 703 | 393 984 |
CASH FLOW | Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities | (119 061) | 73 550 | (158 586) | 200 041 | 571 261 | Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities | (9 659) | (2 946) | (12 947) | (15 533) | (3 468) | Cash & Cash Equivalents at End of Year | 2 680 988 | 2 807 189 | 2 736 585 | 2 908 118 | 2 724 249 |
Unauthorised Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - |
Irregular Expenditure | 18 483 | 16 271 | 10 612 | 12 173 | 12 043 |
Fruitless & Wasteful Expenditure | - | 1 510 | 2 530 | 2 467 | 877 |
Posts Approved | 325 | 325 | 335 | 325 | 249 |
Posts Filled | 258 | 252 | 264 | 303 | 218 |
SOURCE | Annual Report | Annual Report | Annual Report | Annual Report | Annual Report |
Note |
The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.