Umalusi - Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training

Office Bearers/Management

Prof Y Ballim
Chief Executive Officer
Dr MS Rakometsi

Prof Yunus Ballim
Deputy Chairperson:
Prof Thabo Msibi
Council Members:
Dr K Dos Reis
Ms T Futshane
Dr W Green
Mr D Hindle
Prof L Jita
Mr NT Johnstone
Adv J Merabe
Ms ME Metcalfe
Dr L Mokotjo
Dr RE Moraka
Ms L Moyane
Dr B Mthembu
Dr C Myburgh
Mr V Naidoo
Ms F Solomon
Ms N Starr
Chief Executive Officer:
Dr Mafu S Rakometsi
Chief Financial Officer:
Mr Hendrik van der Walt
Senior Management:
Dr Mary-Antoinette Dliwayo
Mr Thato Khaha
Mr Biki Lepota
Mr Mafeta Mabelebele
Ms Mary Malia
Dr Agnes Mohale
Mr Hezekiel Moloise (Council Secretariat)
Mr Kenny Monate
Ms Stella Mosimege
Mr Emmanuel Sibanda (Executive Manager: Qualifications and Research)
Dr Eva Sujee (Executive Manager: Quality Assurance and Monitoring)
Ms Cindy Thomas
Communications Officers:
Mr Biki Lepota (Senior Manager: PR and Communications)

The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.