Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO)

Contact Details

Postal Private Bag X278, Pretoria, 0001
Physical 256 Glyn Street, Hatfield, Pretoria
Tel 012 003 1800


The mission of the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO), is to effectively and efficiently manage the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF) in order to set standards, develop and quality assure national occupational qualifications for all who want a trade or occupation and, where appropriate, professions.

The purpose of the OQSF is to facilitate the development and registration of quality assured occupational (including trade-related) qualifications, part-qualifications and skills programmes from National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 1 to 8. The OQSF gives effect to the Ministerial determination of the Sub-Frameworks that comprise the NQF, Government Notice 1391 published in Gazette No. 44031 of 24 December 2020. It meets the needs of existing and emerging sectors by ensuring that all learners, professionals, workers, unemployed and those classified as NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training), are equipped with relevant and portable competencies that support lifelong employability.

Overseeing Department/Entity

The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.