Statistics South Africa (Stats SA)
Contact Details

Postal | Private Bag X44, Pretoria, 0001 |
Physical | ISIbalo House, Koch Street, Salvokop, Pretoria |
Tel | 012 310 8911/8600 |
Web | |
The mission of Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) is to lead and partner in statistical production systems for evidence-based decisions.
Stats SA's key goals involve: broadening the role and reach of official statistics – information should enable citizens, the government and businesses to understand and change society, and the important role that numbers play in this context emphasises the importance of relevance and use of official statistics; growth through coordination – the Organisation is moving away from producing statistical series as isolated products to an approach of a production system focusing on integration and analysis that cuts across series, products and organisations; enhanced quality – setting standards for statistical products, providing statistical advice and designating statistics as official of all organs of state within a statistics system are important deliverables for the strategy, and will contribute to improving and assessing the quality of statistical information; sustained capacity – developing and sustaining skills and infrastructure within Stats SA and amongst organs of state that produce statistics, within a systems framework; and doing more with less – being innovative, the use of technology, and a motivated and productive workforce are key enablers to deliver the strategy in an efficient and effective way.
Overseeing Department/Entity
The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.