Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE)

Contact Details

Postal Private Bag X59, Arcadia, 0007
Physical Trevenna Campus, Building 2C, Cnr Meintjes & Francis Baard Streets, Sunnyside, Pretoria
Tel 012 444 3000 / 406 8000


The vision of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) is to be a leader in the transformation of South Africa through economic growth and sustainable development in the mining and energy sectors.

Its mission is to regulate, transform and promote the minerals and energy sectors, providing sustainable and affordable energy for growth and development, and ensuring that all South Africans derive sustainable benefit from the country’s mineral wealth.

Reporting Entities

The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.