Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (MICT SETA)
Financial Information
All Financial Values: R'000 | 2022/23 | 2021/22 | 2020/21 | 2019/20 | 2018/19 |
AUDIT OUTCOME | Clean Audit | Financially Unqualified | Clean Audit | Financially Unqualified | Financially Unqualified |
Current Assets | 667 671 | 653 475 | 383 633 | 477 144 | 481 192 |
Non-Current Assets | 11 466 | 14 369 | 19 567 | 6 844 | 4 519 |
Total Assets | 679 137 | 667 844 | 403 200 | 483 988 | 485 711 |
Current Liabilities | 136 365 | 148 020 | 150 299 | 174 464 | 137 312 |
Non-Current Liabilities | - | - | - | 155 | 399 |
Total Liabilities | 136 365 | 148 020 | 150 299 | 174 619 | 137 711 |
Total Net Assets | 542 772 | 519 824 | 252 901 | 309 369 | 348 000 |
Total Revenue | 1 139 435 | 1 025 312 | 763 012 | 982 717 | 907 020 |
Revenue from Exchange Transactions | 34 155 | 14 817 | 11 958 | 26 654 | 26 854 |
Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions | 1 105 280 | 1 010 495 | 751 054 | 956 063 | 880 166 |
Total Expenditure | (1 116 487) | (758 389) | (819 477) | (1 021 349) | (820 079) |
Employee Related costs | (80 744) | (63 132) | (54 563) | (48 420) | (38 563) |
Surplus/(Deficit) for Year | 22 948 | 266 923 | (56 465) | (39 632) | 86 941 |
CASH FLOW | Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities | 21 033 | 301 691 | (73 201) | (40 670) | 116 865 | Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities | (4 145) | (905) | (15 099) | (3 761) | (1 228) | Cash & Cash Equivalents at End of Year | 661 155 | 644 267 | 343 636 | 432 179 | 476 798 |
Unauthorised Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - |
Irregular Expenditure | 1 339 | 3 579 | 1 562 | 83 339 | 88 081 |
Fruitless & Wasteful Expenditure | 1 | - | - | 2 | 11 |
Posts Approved | 137 | 137 | 131 | 111 | 111 |
Posts Filled | 120 | 132 | 131 | 95 | 81 |
SOURCE | Annual Report | Annual Report | Annual Report | Annual Report | Annual Report |
The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.